Monday, June 21, 2010

They're baaaaack




Duh-Nuh Duh-Nuh Duh-Nuh Duh-Nuh

And I am so glad!

Happy Father's Day

I have THE greatest Dad in the world. No really, I do.

He will pretty much drop whatever he's doing to come help me out. I appreciate everything that he does for me and I am sure I don't tell him that enough. Thank you Dad for all that you do.

I love you!

I also want to wish my husband, Brett, a Happy Father's Day. He is a wonderful father to Thomas. They are best buddies and even share the same love of potato chips.

Happy Father's Day to my two favorite men.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

How to steal a ball back from a little boy

Step 1: Realize that the boy has the ball and make a quick attempt, but fail.

2. Chase the little boy hoping he'll drop the ball. No such luck.

3. Prepare a sneak attack from the left.

4. Strike fast, avoid fingers.

5. Mission accomplished.

6. Run off hoping little boy doesn't plan his own attack.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

It's Vintage, not Antique

I was up in my parent's attic over the weekend and I stumbled across my old desk I had as a child. I prefer to consider it "vintage".

Here's a few pictures of me using it.

I don't own a scanner, so pictures of pictures are going to have to do.

I am the one actually sitting at the desk tossing back a cold one. Aren't I cute? And bald.

My goal is to freshen it up for Thomas to use. I love a new project.

It's going to take some sanding, a few coats of paint, and some creative juices.

Thomas already seems to enjoy it. He's such a studious little guy.

I am thinking scholarship already.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Does this little boy look familiar?

Does he remind you of anyone else?

Monday, June 7, 2010

A Sad Realization

These shoes. These shoes. I am mad at them. Really I should be mad at myself.

I went shopping for the first time in a year on Sunday and decided to take a peek at the shoe sale rack at Belk. I can't resist looking. I found these Jessica Simpson shoes and caught myself saying out loud, "How in the world do people walk in these shoes?".

Once the words were out of my mouth I wanted to take it back. I looked at the woman standing next to me and said "WOW, I can't believe I just said that. I must really be showing my age." She said "Yep, honey. That is a definite sign of getting old."

Seriously, I am only 29. Not 40, not 50, not 80. I might as well be in the fashion department though. I am so out of touch as to what people are wearing these days.

I recently donated a whole bunch of clothes and amongst those many bags I got rid of one of my all time favorite shirts. It was purchased at a very inexpensive little store (similar to The Body Shop) in the horrible mall in Auburn. It was embroidered and I loved it. I got rid of it because, well, it was pushing 10 years old and out of style. So I thought.

During my shopping excursion I noticed lots of embroidered shirts. Many that resembled Ole Faithful. Here's one I found at Saks. It looks almost identical to my $15 purchase.

If only I had listened to the pack rat voice inside my head I'd still be hording my "outdated" shirt. Guess I'll be heading to Forever 21 to find me a $15 replacement.

I know trends cycle out every few decades, but when can they trends below come back? I found some of these dresses from the 1950s. I love this fashion era. One of my favorite Christmas movies is "White Christmas" and one of the main reasons is the clothing that the characters wear. Elegant, classy, tailored, and so feminine.

Here is Rosemary Clooney in one of the scenes from the movie. Oh to just have an event to be able to wear something like this to.

This suit is amazing. With and without the little cape.

You can't go wrong with navy in my opinion.

I guess, out of these 4 fine ladies, I am more like Charlotte. I love her style too.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Friday, June 4, 2010

Welcome to the World

Carter Anthony Moore!

Wait, hear that? My uterus just skipped a beat. This little guy has given me baby fever. BAD.
My cousin, Bonnie, had her second baby this past Tuesday. Here is a picture of the new family of four.

Maci was obviously a little unsure what to think about her new baby brother. I was thinking I might snatch him and run. Oh I miss that sweet baby smell.

And the crazy faces, funny noises, tiny sneezes, and super soft, hot out of the oven skin.

Oh Carter, what fun you will have in this family. I thank God you got here safe and sound. You are truly a blessing. Thomas will make sure you know the ropes and maybe, just maybe, he'll let you play with one of his Hot Wheels.
I knew that might perk you up a little bit.

What would happen if your ass lit up

It would end up in a jar, just like these little guys.

My parents ran around our yard capturing poor, defenseless lightening bugs just so Thomas could get a closer look at them. I even caught one. Yuck.
Something has happened to me over the past 24 years that makes me totally grossed out by touching them. I used to have my own little container specifically made for lightening bugs and I remember running all over the backyard snatching them up and holding them hostage. Thomas just gets a jar. Sorry kid, you'll live.

He pointed. He oooh'd. He ahhh'd. Then, he was over it and wanted to play with the sidewalk chalk.

Please don't call PETA on us, we did let them go.