Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day

So, I love to garage sale and last weekend I went to my first one of the season. It was early and cold, but they had a bunch of boy stuff including a train table. I decided against the train table because we have nowhere in our house to put it, but I did leave with this:

It's a Thomas the Train tricycle that the original asking price was $20, but I talked them down to $10. How could I resist?? Later, I looked up how much it would've originally cost online and it was $75. Not a bad find at all.

I figured that Brett and I could give it to Thomas as his Valentine's Day present.

I think it's safe to say that he likes it.

Making sure all the screws are in there tight. I am pretty sure he kicked the tires too.

His feet barely touch the pedals, but he was trying real hard to reach.

Cool Rider.
Not 30 seconds after this picture Thomas and the tricycle fell over and he busted his lip on my new house slipper. It was only a small cut and he handled it pretty well. It wasn't anything that some kisses and snuggles couldn't fix. According to Brett it'll toughen him up. I know it'll be the first of many.
Happy Valentine's Day!