Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Lately, we've been blowing lots of bubbles. I didn't even realize that Thomas could say the word "bubbles" until I started blowing some and he came running over yelling "BUBBLES!". We've already gone through 2 bubble makers and 12 small bottles of bubbles in one short week.

We've been witnessing lots of tantrums. It amazes me how he can go from this:

To this in a matter of seconds:

We drove up to Hartselle on Saturday to visit some friends. It's been since before Christmas since we've seen them, which is way too long. I found out that their dog, Snowflake, had puppies. I said "it's been that long since we've seen you that Snowflake was able to get pregnant and deliver the cutest puppies ever, that's not possible???" Ann reminded me that dog's gestation period is only 6-8 weeks or something along those lines. Duh.

Thomas got the pleasure of terrorizing those sweet puppies.

Thomas and Anna became best buds real quick. He's into cougars.

We've been climbing trees and loving it.

Spring has also sprung in our yard. Our monster of an azalea bush has finally started to bloom. We've got pink ones, purple ones, white ones, and some that are a mixture.

And finally, we've discovered the joy of matchbox cars. Thomas will play with them till dusk and we have to force him inside. It's so funny to watch him play with the cars too, he will pick each one up, say a little something in his own language to it, throw it down, and move on to the next. He is even pushing them around like they are real cars and making the engine noise with his mouth. I think boys are just born with the ability to make crazy noises with their mouth.

Well, that's all I got for now. Surely, with the big weekends we have ahead of us, we'll get something a little more interesting on here.

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